10,203 research outputs found

    Tua glória é tua história : o trabalho e a importância do centro de memória do Club de Regatas Vasco da Gama

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    O presente trabalho expõe pontos referentes a memória, identidade e centros de memória. Utilizando como objeto de pesquisa o Club de Regatas Vasco da Gama e seu Centro de Memória, com a finalidade de demonstrar a importância do trabalho realizado no Centro de Memória Vasco da Gama, que tem o papel fundamental de armazenar, preservar e disseminar todo material – considerado por si relevante – pertencente ao clube. Particularmente, o trabalho visa discorrer sobre a relação da memória e identidade existente entre clube e torcida, correlacionando com a função desenvolvida pelo centro de memória, que promove a perpetuação da história e memória da instituição. Como metodologia, é utilizada a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental para apresentar base teórica na temática da memória, identidade e centros de memória/documentação, utilizando também de imagens para representar a relação do clube e torcida com os objetos históricos e informacionais

    As garantias do executado no processo civil e o superendividamento de pessoas jurídicas

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    O presente trabalho tem a finalidade de abordar a execução no processo civil sob o olhar do executado, daqueles devedores superendividados que necessitam da proteção de garantias constitucionais, do respeito e cumprimento dos princípios basilares do processo de execução. Adotando a perspectiva do devedor, tanto pessoa jurídica quanto pessoa natural, nos processos executórios, vem sendo verificado que as formas para garantir o cumprimento e dar efetividade às constrições inerentes ao processo asfixiam ainda mais a saúde financeira desses entes. Busca-se ainda estudar mais profundamente o time carioca de futebol – Club de Regatas Vasco da Gama e como necessita da proteção e da garantia de uma execução equilibrada para não entrar em colapso

    The determinants of demand in football matches during the 2007 Brazilian Championship

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    In view of the structural changes experienced by Brazilian football as a whole, which is becoming better regulated and more transparently managed, it is necessary to examine the factors that now determine the attendance at football matches. This paper aims to examine the demand for tickets in the 2007 Brazilian Championship games, the main competition in that sport in the country, based on the methodology created by Souza and Angelo (2004), which conducted a study for the championship of 2002. The present study, using the Ordinary Least Squares method, showed that in 2007 the demand for football was price-inelastic, but no inference can be made with respect to income. Moreover, in general, the determinants were found to be steady.microeconomics, economics of sports, theory of demand, attendance

    Urban football narratives and the colonial process in Lourenço Marques

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    Support for Portuguese football teams, in Mozambique as well as in other former Portuguese colonies, could be interpreted either as a sign of the importance of a cultural colonial heritage in Africa or as a symbol of a perverse and neo-colonial acculturation. This article, focused on Maputo, the capital of Mozambique – formerly called Lourenc¸o Marques – argues that in order to understand contemporary social bonds, it is crucial to research the connection between the colonial process of urbanisation and the rise of urban popular cultures. Despite the existence of social discrimination in colonial Lourenc¸o Marques, deeply present in the spatial organisation of a city divided between a ‘concrete’ centre and the immense periphery, the consumption of football, as part of an emergent popular culture, crossed segregation lines. I argue that football narratives, locally appropriated, became the basis of daily social rituals and encounters, an element of urban sociability and the content of increasingly larger social networks. Therefore, the fact that a Portuguese narrative emerged as the dominant form of popular culture is deeply connected to the growth of an urban community

    Análise da época desportiva da equipa de natação do Colégio Vasco da Gama

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    O presente relatório foi elaborado com o intuito de formar uma compilação de todos os trabalhos desenvolvidos ao longo do estágio curricular em Natação Pura realizado no âmbito da disciplina de Estágio no Mestrado em Treino Desportivo da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana. O estágio decorreu na época 2015/2016 no Clube de Natação Colégio Vasco da Gama sob o acompanhamento da equipa de Juvenis, Juniores e Seniores. No seu decorrer, o papel por mim desenvolvido teve por base a orientação dos treinos realizados no plano de água bem como a componente da preparação física realizada no plano seco. Este relatório está organizado em seis capítulos: introdução do relatório e caracterização do clube e do atleta de estudo, revisão da literatura, avaliação técnica, resumo bibliográfico sobre planeamento e periodização bem como uma análise critica aos dois aspetos com base no trabalho desenvolvido para a equipa, apresentação gráfica e critica aos três macrociclos da época e uma análise das provas que decorreram ao longo da época. O trabalho necessário para a criação deste relatório e todas as situações vividas ao longo do estágio permitiu experienciar de forma próxima o que é exigido aos treinadores; desde o conseguir atingir os objetivos de cada atleta, da equipa, do treinador e do próprio clube.The present report was elaborated with the objective of forming a pile with all the developed works through the curricular internship of Swimming, conducted under the discipline of Internship in Sports Training in the Master’s Degree of the Faculty of Human Kinetics. The internship occurred in the 2015/2016 season in the Club de Natação Colégio Vasco da Gama, monitoring the juvenile, junior and seniors team. In this internship the work that I developed was practice orientation, in the water and on dry land. This report is organized in six chapters: introduction and club and athlete characterization, literature review, technique evaluation, planning and periodization literature summaries as well as critical analyses about these two aspects, graphic and critical presentations of the three macrocycles of the season and an analysis of the competitions that occurred throughout the season

    The role of football in nation-building

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    The world's most popular sport, football, has been heavily overlooked for it's potential in development. Recent innovations from famous world bodies such as the United Nations or FIFA have lead to innovations in the field of sports and development. This thesis examines innovations that happened both before and concurrently with these UN and FIFA innovations but in the context of nation-building specifically in the context of Brazil, Argentina, and Cote d'Ivoire. By examining nation-building the different levels of society are scrutinized and to what extent that football has had an effect on society and in turn a nation. The study is conducted using a qualitative literature review of a variety of sources including books on the history of the sport in the aforementioned countries, academic articles and news sources. The interpretation of the theories in use in nation-building are used to create an understanding of the process of nation-building and football. The findings of the study present how the sport of football influenced nation-building, on numerous social levels and, on numerous occasions. On the smallest scale people that participate in football can become better included in society and increase their own agency. On the highest level the participants can change how both the nations people and the world's people see that nation's people

    Colonialism, christians and sport : the catholic church and football in Goa, 1883-1951

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    The chapter uses the development of football in Goa, the Portuguese colony in India until 1961, as a case study with which to critique existing histories of sport and colonialism. The start point of the article is that when taken together existing studies of football in particular, and to an extent sport in general, in colonial contexts bear a range of similarities. Broadly speaking a model can be drawn from them, one in which Christian missionary activity and colonial government projects act to introduce and encourage western sports among colonised populations who then eventually adopt and adapt the games. The Goa example offers a fresh perspective as it argues that while elements of the story of football there are familiar from these other studies, the role of indigenous agents in propagating the game at its earliest stages is crucial to understanding how the sport took off and became embedded in local society and culture

    Dorsal Acetabular Rim Arthroplasty for the management of canine hip dysplasia: a case report

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    A displasia da anca é uma das doenças ortopédicas mais comuns nos cães domésticos. É uma doença de desenvolvimento, poligénica e multifatorial que se caracteriza pelo aparecimento durante o período de crescimento de lassidão articular, subluxação, e artrose da anca. Os cães afetados podem manifestar claudicação e dor crónica causadas pela degeneração e progressão da osteoartrite na articulação da anca. Os cães nascem com as ancas normais, mas nos animais com displasia, as alterações da anca causam desconforto e sinais clínicos com maior frequência entre os 4 e os 8 meses de idade. A dor associada à lassidão articular pode diminuir devido à fibrose periarticular e ao espessamento da cápsula articular que estabiliza a articulação. Na idade adulta os sinais clínicos podem agravar devido à evolução da osteoartrite. Embora a lassidão articular predisponha ao desenvolvimento de osteoartrite, a relação entre o grau de lassidão e de osteoartrite varia entre raças. A apresentação clínica dos cães com displasia da anca é muito variável, alguns cães são assintomáticos, noutros casos pode haver uma claudicação ligeira, ou graus mais intensos de dor e claudicação. Nos casos mais graves pode haver uma diminuição marcada da qualidade de vida. O objetivo no maneio da displasia da anca é prevenir o desenvolvimento de osteoartrite, eliminar a dor e devolver uma função normal o membro pélvico, recorrendo a um diagnóstico precoce e instituindo um tratamento médico ou cirúrgico. Existem várias opções cirúrgicas para tratar cães com displasia da anca, mas a sua indicação depende da idade do paciente, da severidade da doença, das alterações radiográficas, do comportamento animal, da presença de outras doenças e dos recursos financeiros disponíveis. Este estudo de caso pretende relatar o procedimento cirúrgico de artroplastia do rebordo acetabular dorsal para o tratamento de um cão jovem de 5 meses de idade, com risco elevado de desenvolver displasia da anca, na fase inicial do desenvolvimento da osteoartrite. Na literatura científica, a artroplastia do bordo acetabular dorsal é descrita como uma cirurgia paliativa que se pode usar nos cães que não são candidatos a osteotomia pélvica, no entanto, o seu uso clínico é raro, havendo poucos casos relatados. A falta de estudos que avaliem os seus resultados clínicos são um dos principais entraves à divulgação e utilização mais frequente desta técnica. Neste sentido, este estudo procura incentivar o interesse da comunidade científica neste procedimento. A dissertação fornecerá uma descrição do procedimento cirúrgico, dos resultados deste tratamento obtidos por avaliações clínicas, imagens radiográficas, tomográficas e artroscópicas. Por fim, serão descritas as vantagens e desvantagens da artroplastia do rebordo acetabular dorsal nos cães com risco elevado de sofrer osteoartrite secundária à displasia da anca.Hip dysplasia is one of the most common orthopedic diseases in domestic dogs. It is a developmental, polygenic and multifactorial disease that is characterized by its appearance during the growth period of joint laxity, subluxation, and arthrosis of the hip. Affected dogs may manifest lameness and chronic pain caused by degeneration and progression of osteoarthritis in the hip joint. Dogs are born with normal hips, but in animals with dysplasia, hip changes cause discomfort and clinical signs frequently between 4 and 8 months of age. The pain associated with joint laxity may decrease due to periarticular fibrosis and the thickening of the joint capsule that stabilizes the joint. In adulthood clinical signs can worsen due to the evolution of osteoarthritis. Although joint laxity predisposes to the development of osteoarthritis, the relationship between the degree of laxity and osteoarthritis varies between races. The clinical presentation of dogs with hip dysplasia is very variable, some dogs are asymptomatic, but in other cases there may be a slight claudication, or more intense degrees of pain and lameness. In the most severe cases there may be a marked decrease in life quality. For managing hip dysplasia, the objective is to prevent the development of osteoarthritis, eliminate pain and return a normal function of the pelvic limb, by using an early diagnosis and instituting a medical or surgical treatment. There are several surgical options for treating dogs with hip dysplasia, but their indication depends on the age of the patient, the severity of the disease, radiographic changes, animal behavior, the presence of other diseases and the available financial resources. This case study aims to report the surgical procedure of the dorsal acetabular rim arthroplasty for the treatment of a young dog of 5 months of age, with high risk of developing hip dysplasia, in the initial phase of the development of osteoarthritis. In scientific literature, dorsal acetabular rim arthroplasty is described as a palliative surgery that can be used in dogs that are not candidates for pelvic osteotomy, however, its clinical use is rare, with few cases reported. The lack of studies evaluating their clinical results is one of the main obstacles to the divulgation and more frequent use of this technique. In this sense, this study seeks to encourage the interest of the scientific community in this procedure. The dissertation will provide a description of the surgical procedure, the results of this treatment obtained by clinical evaluations, radiographic, tomographic and arthroscopic images. Finally, it will be described the advantages and disadvantages of dorsal acetabular rim arthroplasty in dogs with high risk of suffering osteoarthritis secondary to hip dysplasia

    Innovation and performance in brazilian football clubs

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    The purpose this study is to evaluate the influence of innovation on the performance of Brazilian soccer clubs, aiming to deepen the interrelationship between the themes and provide answers and possibilities for more effective decisions by managers. With data from the years 2015 to 2017, a sample of 26 clubs soccer clubs participating in Series A of the Brazilian Football Championship used. Brands registration and the representation of intangible assets serve as proxies for innovation. Club performance measured by revenue logarithm (financial performance), return on equity (economic performance) and CBF ranking (sports performance). In order to meet the general objective of the research, linear regression applied. Considering the study variables registration of brands and representativeness of intangible assets as proxies for measuring innovation, it was inferred that there is significant and positive influence of innovation on financial and sports performance, this is, innovation contributes to the increase of  performances. Thus, it inferred that innovation is a potential source of competitive advantage as it results in increased performance